Find an EU / EEA IB school

In this section you can search for a European IB private school by name or geographic location. Because most European IB schools are located in major cities where there are significant numbers of English-speaking expatriate workers, we suggest you search by country. Even then, there will be many cities without a single IB school and you might have to try again. Please go the separate sections to find a UK IB school or a Global IB school.

Once you have been presented with a list of IB schools you can click on a name to see further details of that school. There you will also see which of the four IB curriculums that school offers.

The search engine is driven by the country typed in the box.

The search engine is driven by the words in the name of each school.

If you are having trouble locating the right IB school, please call us on +44 1622 813870 and remember the first consultation is free.

Free School Enquiry

When you are presented with a list of schools, you can then use this site to submit an enquiry to a school using the 'Submit an Enquiry' function. Many schools no longer send glossy brochures by mail and instead put online prospectuses on their websites. Please bear in mind that the top IB schools are often oversubscribed and will only respond to serious parents who are making a specific child enquiry for that school. Therefore, you MUST fill in all fields on the Enquiry Form. Several schools require registration several months in advance of the date of entry. If you need assistance please contact us or complete a General Enquiry Form.