Your School's Profile
This website is run by Education Advisers Ltd, an education consultancy based in London. Our primary business is to assist families with admissions to private day and boarding schools. The purpose of this site is to provide interested families with free, impartial information and resources. We aim to list every private school listed on the search engine for schools on this site. The vast majority of these schools appear in one of the league tables we publish.
You can find samples of these profiles by clicking on schools featured on our league tables, or by using our school search engine.
For the integrity of the site, we retain editorial authority over every written profile. If you would like us to expand your profile, please contact us with details. We would be delighted to hear from you. Basic details of each school’s address and range of programmes are listed free of charge. Expanded profiles and photos are offered at a modest fee per annum.
Please contact Mary Banks-Murayama to discuss how we can best showcase your school